(An Unrealized Heston Project)
Charlton Heston was to star as "John 'Eagel Eye' Pennell"
in "THE LAST MAN CLUB," which was to be directed by his son, Fraser. This independently financed film was about "four aging
'greatest generation' survivors of a World War Two B-17 bomber crew who get together for one last hurrah." Cameras were
scheduled to start rolling late in 2001 throughout locations in Texas. Unfortunately, the financing fell through
at the last minute and "Last Man" was never made.
: "I am truly honored to play this role, and hope
that in some small way this film will help us all remember those great men and women, who are still among us and who so gallantly
served their country." (HESTON himself served in the war as a radio operator and gunner aboard a B-25. He rose to the rank
of staff sergeant in the Army Air Corps.)
Printable 'Man' Poster
*"THE LAST MAN CLUB" was to feature flying scenes
set aboard an original B-17 Flying Fortress; those scenes were to be shot at the Lone Star Air Museum in Galveston, Texas.
A brief scene was to take place at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. THIS was to be the fourth time that
FRASER HESTON had directed his father. Previously, he directed CHUCK in "Alaska" (1996), "The Crucifer of Blood" (1991), and
"Treasure Island" (1990).